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Depatriarchalizing Knowledge Constructs: Thinking Social Intervention in the Light of Intersectionality

Despatriarcalizando la construcción de conocimientos: la intervención social pensada desde la interseccionalidad


How to Cite
Vallejos Alarcón, M. (2025). Depatriarchalizing Knowledge Constructs: Thinking Social Intervention in the Light of Intersectionality. Tabula Rasa, 53, 13-24.


Millaray Vallejos Alarcón,

Licenciada en trabajo social.

This theoretical research work will critically examine hegemonic theoretical constructs, on the understanding that they have historically excluded women and other subalternized groups, thus casting out the so-called “female” features from epistemic communities. We will argue that sexism in social theories and interventions has persisted to this day. This is why, it is of paramount importance to undertake a deconstruction of this oppressive, unequal, hierarchized relational system between sexes, setting women aside in a subalternized position. This article aims to support the idea that social intervention should be thought from an intersectional feminism committed and critical of the prevailing social order in order to deconstruct wisdoms and social interventions cemented in patriarchal androcentric rationales. That way, we will ask ourselves how social workers may produce interventions that recover and promote “feminine” knowledge —and of subalternized masculinities. Lastly, we will present the challenges of doing intersectional social work

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