Racial, cultural and academic boundaries: notes on cultural studies in Latin America. A brief comment on the presentations by Gisela Cánepa and José Manuel Valenzuela
Fronteras raciales, culturales y académicas: notas sobre los estudios culturales en América Latina. Un breve comentario sobre las ponencias de Gisela Cánepa y José Manuel Valenzuela
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In a key article to understand the specificity of some of the intellectual trajectories of the field of cultural studies, Lawrence Grossberg (1997) begins his argument with a paradoxical statement: the lack of an exact definition of cultural studies is key to his own understanding. . To a large extent, this paradox that to many can effectively intimidate or seem trivial, emerges from the same option defended by the author in his prescriptions and not absolute definitions of the same intellectual project of cultural studies: the need to always contextualize intellectual practices according to your questions, problems, methodologies and also desires of transformation of complex and diverse social and always cultural hierarchies. In this sense, for Grossberg (1997), the definition of the intellectual and political project of necessarily mobile cultural studies but characterized by a series of questions and problems as well as intellectual work style necessarily matters. It is not a matter of labeling an already finished and highly marketable product, as it can effectively be posed from the apparent boom of cultural studies in Colombia, where in a few years several undergraduate and graduate programs have flourished in the main universities of the country putting in He doubts his degree of political effectiveness under the new demands of competence, publications and results. Without wanting to escape from these market logics, as several speakers reminded us at the Cultural Studies Symposium in the Americas: commitment, collaboration, transformation, it is more about questioning ourselves about the possibility of stating that what we do matters within the formations, contexts, conjunctures and cultural, political and economic contingencies typical of Latin America
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