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Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon. Variations on the colonial/decolonial archive

Aimé Césaire y Frantz Fanon. Variaciones sobre el archivo colonial/descolonial


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de Oto, A. (2011). Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon. Variations on the colonial/decolonial archive. Tabula Rasa, 15.

Alejandro de Oto

    This paper focuses in weaving a notion of archive with heterogeneous materiales gathered from different registers in Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon’s writings. In order to do that, special attention is given to the dimension of body, which is especially present in both writings and both critical projects. Body is the departure point from which these thinkers develop a critique of representation. The general proposal is to describe the set of operations present in the organization of a potential archive, which we are calling “colonial”, for the field of the history of ideas.

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