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The ordoliberal problematization of "the social"

La problematización ordoliberal de "lo social"


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Haidar, V. (2018). The ordoliberal problematization of "the social". Tabula Rasa, 28, 275-296.

Victoria Haidar

    Victoria Haidar,

    Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, magister en Sociología y Ciencia Política de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales.

    The article reconstructs the way in which three representative authors of German ordoliberalism, Wilhem Röpke, Alexander Rüstow and Alfred Müller-Armack, problematized, between the end of World War II and the beginning of the 1960s the "social". We argue that far from reducing that question to the problem of income distribution and job insecurity, the ordoliberal perspective emphasized the subjective and qualitative dimensions of existence, articulating them in terms of "happiness" and "quality of life." Likewise, the work discusses the social reform strategies that those authors proposed in order to institutionalize the limits that, in their perspective, "human nature" imposed on capitalism, as well as "vitalize" the lifestyle of workers.

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