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The decline of democracy in Bolivia and Brazil

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Chibbade, M. (2020). The decline of democracy in Bolivia and Brazil. Misión Jurídica, 13(19).



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Michael Chibbade

    Democracy means freedom. There are many forms of freedom that are fundamental to democracy, such as the freedom to vote, the freedom of the press, the freedom of speech, the freedom to write and express one’s opinions, the freedom to live where one chooses, the freedom of assembly, the freedom to strive for inclusiveness and equality, and other such fundamental freedoms. Moreover, there are numerous shades of democracy as not all such freedoms are present to the same degree in each and every democratic nation. To ensure democratic conduct, each country has rules and regulations to serve as a guide, as a set of dictums, to assist with law, order and justice, in the absence of which there is the prospect of either anarchy or authoritarianism.

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    1. Anderson, Jon Lee (2020). “The Burnt Palace”, The New Yorker, 23rd March.
    2. Chibba, Michael (2020a). “Political economy and democracy in Brazil under Bolsonaro”, OpenDemocracy, 19th June.
    3. Chibba, Michael (2020b). Modern Political Economy and Colonialism: The case of Bolivia, World Economics, 21, 2. Forthcoming.
    4. Chibba, Michael and John M. Luiz, 2019. “Is the Business Environment a Matter of Political Economy and Convergence?” World Economics, 20(3): 191-219.
    5. Chu, Yun-han, Huang, Kai-Ping, Lagos, Marta, and Robert Mattes (2020). “A Lost Decade for Third-Wave Democracies?” Journal of Democracy, 31, 2: 166-181.
    6. Douglas, Bruce and Sabrina Valle (2019). “Extortion is booming in Bolsonaro’s Brazil”, Bloomberg Businessweek, 29th April.
    7. World Bank (2020). Development Economics Data Group – for data on Bolivia and Brazil.
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