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Legal security in the mining sector? An approach from the principle of coordination

¿Seguridad jurídica en el sector minero? Una aproximación desde el principio de coordinación

Artículos originales nacionales

How to Cite
López Solano, C. A. (2019). Legal security in the mining sector? An approach from the principle of coordination. Misión Jurídica, 12(16), 263-280.



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Cristian Alexis López Solano

    The mining sector is going through a conjunctural moment that depends on the stability of the industry. Thence, it is imperative to analyse the legal insecurity phenomenon because is one of the challenges that this sector has to confront.

    The implementation of the principle of coordination is useful to minimize the tension that exists between the  principle  of  unitary state and the principle of territorial autonomy, furthermore when Colombia has a public system of cross-cutting activity, that is to say of a joint activity among different state bodies.

    The current jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court opens the possibility of excluding the mining activity of a district because is a constitutional competence that arises of an harmonic interpretation of the constitutional dispositions. But this does not solve the problem, which creates an irrational empowerment that does not take into account other assumptions of great value such as the freedom of Enterprise and the guarantee of the rights acquired by a contract. The solution does not lie in forbidding but in establishing, in creating a contractual agreement between the private and public sectors that are involved, all these in the basis of the principle of coordination.

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