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Fundamental considerations on human rights for the due process of migrants

Consideraciones fundamentales acerca del derecho humano al debido proceso de las personas migrantes

Artículos originales internacionales

How to Cite
Rodríguez Lozano, L. G., & Soriano Flores, J. (2019). Fundamental considerations on human rights for the due process of migrants. Misión Jurídica, 12(16), 43-57.



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Luis Gerardo Rodríguez Lozano
    Jesús Soriano Flores

      A migrant is every person that makes a geographic displacement to a different country, when the migrant enters its territory the legal system recognizes him/her as a foreigner. The law of a nation state clearly differentiates between nationals and foreigners.This is the dichotomy that has defined the history of the Nation State in “The Laws”, Plato contextualizes the relationships between fellow countrymen and foreigners within  the  Greek  obligation  of   hospitality; thus, although this human condition is not new   in human history, the social and economical conditions of the globalised States and their system of regulatory sources have to know how to apply an adequate approach to Human Rights in their migration policies,especially when in these policies migratory processes take place that can affect the legal sphere of a person by their nationality condition and where it is important to provide a conjunction of minimum guarantees, so to ensure in a general way the impartiality of the process and in a subjective way to avoid that the vulnerability of the migrant to worsen, in other words, not to put all the full weight of the process on just one part, but to, with the perspective on Human Rights of the due process assure a decent and impartial treatment in the migratory process.

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