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Restructuring the Judiciary in the State of Paraíba, Brazil: An Analysis of Legal Actors' Discourses in Light of the Principle of Efficiency

Reestructuración en la organización del poder judicial del estado de Paraíba, Brasil: Un análisis de los discursos de los actores jurídicos a la luz del principio de eficiencia

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How to Cite
Pereira da Silva, R., Andrade de Morais, L. ., Cesário Fernandes, E. ., & de Lima Paiva, C. O. (2024). Restructuring the Judiciary in the State of Paraíba, Brazil: An Analysis of Legal Actors’ Discourses in Light of the Principle of Efficiency. Misión Jurídica, 17(26), 141-156.

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Romualdo Pereira da Silva
    Lucas Andrade de Morais
      Elicely Cesário Fernandes
        Cícero Otávio de Lima Paiva

          With the recent financial crises and the lack of resources faced by the State, its branches, and various entities have been promoting a restructuring of their administrative organization. In this scenario, the State Judiciary of Paraíba (TJPB) was no exception. It had to adopt internal measures to navigate this situation, particularly the public policy of closing courthouses scattered throughout the State. To address these issues, this work aimed to analyze and assess this restructuring in light of the constitutional principle of efficiency, while also addressing the main social implications such measures could cause, especially concerning the constitutional principles of broad judicial protection and the dignity of the human person. Based on important legal scholars, the theoretical framework covered essential topics for understanding the issue, such as the basic organization of the Brazilian public administration and the constitutional principles applicable to public administration. The methodology used was descriptive, qualitative, and bibliographic, also employing the method of argumentation analysis from the New Rhetoric theory. In the discussion of the topic, the reasons justifying the closure of courthouses by the judiciary were made explicit, as well as the reasons and counterarguments expressed by civil society entities that criticized these measures based on the social impacts they will cause. Thus, it became evident that administrative measures cannot apply the principle of efficiency solely through technical or quantitative perspectives but must also weigh social consequences as relevant criteria.

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