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The social function of the company as a fundamental element in the realization of the dignity of the human person: reflections on the re-socialization of the prison inmate

La función social de la empresa como elemento fundamental para la materialización de la dignidad humana: reflexiones sobre la resocialización del excarcelado

Artículos originales internacionales

How to Cite
Penido Martins, T., Silva Rodrigues, R., & Alves Pinto, A. (2023). The social function of the company as a fundamental element in the realization of the dignity of the human person: reflections on the re-socialization of the prison inmate. Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 113-125.



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Thiago Penido Martins
    Raphael Silva Rodrigues
      Alisson Alves Pinto

        A condition given that the prison system can be described as sub-human, stigmatized by society, becoming very difficult, or even inviável, or a process of even social inclusion. The present article aims to analyze and highlight the importance of the ressocialization of output, highlighting the social function of the company in this process, making possible the opportunity for recovery at output. The methodology used, supported by the principles of the social function of the company and the dignity of human people, implies a review of the available bibliography, examination of legislation and jurisprudence.

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