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The tension between the right to development and the right to selfdetermination of peoples: a historical-analytical review. The arrival of Boaventura de Sousa Santos’ to the political theory

La tensión entre el derecho al desarrollo y el derecho a la libre determinación de los pueblos: un recorrido histórico-analítico

Artículos originales internacionales

How to Cite
Merayo Fernández, R. (2020). The tension between the right to development and the right to selfdetermination of peoples: a historical-analytical review. The arrival of Boaventura de Sousa Santos’ to the political theory. Misión Jurídica, 13(19), 1-36.



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Rodrigo Merayo Fernández

    The tension between the right to development against the right to selfdetermination of peoples is one of the most powerful and decisive political-legal clashes of our time, especially in the context of current globalization.

    This research article has tried to reveal which has been (from an analytical perspective) and how it has influenced (from the pen of three remarkable authors and a school of thought) the operation of the capitalist world. This research gathers the first questions raised in Latin America, which led to the creation of the Structuralist School during fifties, and also the texts of Samir Amin, Jeffrey Sachs and the contribution of the jurist and sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos, that reflect how both rights are opposed and, at the same time, inseparable, even more since they were codified under legal forms internationally.

    The issue discussed here, which basically affects the semi-peripheral and peripheral areas of the world ends up involving humanity as a whole, making necessary, in current times, solutions that try to melt the center-peripheria axis and move towards a world model more equal in redistribution. The proposals centered in disconnection strategies like Amin’s, end up failing by the impossibility to generate a shared common sense and deepening the formation of antagonistic blocks.

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