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Theoretical perspectives when studying migrant incorporation : analytical movements, hierarchical grids, and racialization.

Perspectivas teóricas en el estudio de la incorporación de migrantes : modelos analíticos, entramados jerárquicos y racialización.


How to Cite
Gómez, P. S. (2019). Theoretical perspectives when studying migrant incorporation : analytical movements, hierarchical grids, and racialization. Tabula Rasa, 30, 89-106.

Pablo Sebastián Gómez

    Pablo Sebastián Gómez,

    Doctor en Demografía por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. Investigador Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet) con sede de trabajo en el CIECS (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre la Cultura y la Sociedad) / Universidad Siglo 21, Córdoba, Argentina.

    Nowadays, there is a growing interest on recognizing the importance of South-South migration flows, and their characteristic features in relation to South-North flows, both in class composition and receiving social and normative spaces. In that line, many theoretical approaches mostly explain how it is going in the Global North countries. ftis paper aims to bring the main sociological theories to discussion within the framework of studies produced in the global North, to trace the topic back in the Argentinean context, and to highlight the relevance of racialization and coloniality of power categories for a discussion on South-South migrants’ flux in general, and Argentineans’ in particular. ftose processes operate at a macro level, and are inserted in a structural dimension, but they are also reproduced on micro-social scales in daily interactions.

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