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Black/Afro “Awareness-Raising” in Luruaco: Transformations and Disputes in Identity Policies

«Concientización» negra/afro en Luruaco: transformaciones y disputas de las políticas de la identidad


How to Cite
Mejía Rodríguez, S. K. (2024). Black/Afro “Awareness-Raising” in Luruaco: Transformations and Disputes in Identity Policies. Tabula Rasa, 52, 131-153.


This article examines the dynamics of Black identity policies in Luruaco, a town in the  department of Atlántico (Colombia), where surprisingly 94.6% of population identify  themselves as Black or Afro, despite the prevalence of miscegenation and Whiteness across  the region. This phenomenon is studied within the context of community councils Kusuto  Magende and Matamba, which were created to vindicate territorial rights under Law 70 of  1993. Through “raising-awareness technologies,” such as workshops and diploma courses,  community leaders have sought to legitimize their ethnic identity in a place historically  marked by racism and Blackness denial. This article examines how those processes not only  respond to legal requirements, but also to the need to confront historic tensions around Afro  identity in the Colombian Caribbean region, by articulating African legacies, traditional  practices, and regional differences. Furthermore, we reflect on the implications of ethnic  recognition for gaining access to resources and benefits, underlining the complexities and  challenges faced by the councils within a context of racial exclusion.

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