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From the Capitalist World-System Towards the Technofeudalist World-System: A Decolonial Analysis

Del sistema mundial capitalista al sistema mundial tecno-feudal: un análisis decolonial


How to Cite
Habib Gómez, Z. (2023). From the Capitalist World-System Towards the Technofeudalist World-System: A Decolonial Analysis. Tabula Rasa, 48, 267-278.

Zaki Habib Gómez

    Since the turn of the 20th century, social scientist Immanuel Wallerstein (2000) was announcing the decay of the capitalist world-system and its change into another type of system, without specifying which it would be. Nowadays, several economists have given a name to such a new economic system: technofeudalism. However, as Wallerstein himself and one of his disciples, Ramón Grosfoguel, pointed out: a purely economic analysis of the world-system would be reductionist, economicist, and even Eurocentric. Therefore, this article intends to describe the various heterarchies of this new system and to delve into a decolonial Marxist dialectics explaining how that system is built.

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