Examining the debates on neo-extractivism in Latin America: some critical reflections
Examinando los debates sobre el neoextractivismo en Latinoamérica: algunas reflexiones críticas
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The global commodity price boom at the beginning of the 21st century led to a significant increase of foreign direct investment in Latin America, particularly in large-scale mining operations. A body of critical literature has since emerged around the concept of “neo[1]extractivism” that has examined this new extractive phase of natural resources in this world region. In this paper we critically examine the theoretical debates of the neo[1]extractivism approach, and the relationship between resource extraction and economic development. Importantly, we want to stress that the neo-extractivism approach is not configured by a unified analytical position. Instead, it is heterogeneous with different emphases, ranging from political ecology, geography, sociology, and political economy. We also argue that the discussions within the diverse approaches to neo-extractivism suggest some reworkings of earlier themes addressed in Latin American critical theory, such as in development economics and particularly in Dependency Theory. Keywords: Dependency theory; Latin American critical thought; neoextractivism; raw materials; foreign direct investment; Latin America.
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