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The ethics of care and the construction of peace : re-existence strategies among black rural women in Ladrilleros and Juanchaco, municipality of Buenaventura.

La ética del cuidado y la construcción de paz : estrategias de re-existencia de las mujeres negras y rurales de Ladrilleros y Juanchaco en el municipio de Buenaventura..


How to Cite
Bello Urrego, A. del R. (2022). The ethics of care and the construction of peace : re-existence strategies among black rural women in Ladrilleros and Juanchaco, municipality of Buenaventura. Tabula Rasa, 41, 125-142.

Alejandra del Rocío Bello Urrego

    This article stems from the research project “Female bodies and power in Colombian Pacific: The case of Women’s Association Ébano (Ebony)”, carried out in Ladrilleros and Juanchaco, at the town of Buenaventura. This work inquired over women’s cultural breakups driven by the arrival of groups alien to their communities throughout the last 70 years. By fighting over a place in the territory, those groups pushed shifts in their forms of cultural socialization and economic organization. By applying the techniques of life histories and body-mapping, we analyzed the different ways in which women have resisted those shifts in their cultural dynamics, with Ebony being an ultima example of agency strategies deployed by women. This article addresses the discussion of these research results in the light of the role of caregiving in Black rural women’s agency strategies in the Colombian Pacific throughout the time of Peace Accords undersigned in 2016.

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