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Of Packs, Suffering, and Rescues: Violence and Relations between Dogs and Humans in Two Mexican Border Cities

De jaurías, sufrimientos y rescates: violencia y relaciones entre perros y humanos en dos ciudades fronterizas mexicanas


How to Cite
Reyes Sánchez, R., & Sandoval-Cervantes, I. (2021). Of Packs, Suffering, and Rescues: Violence and Relations between Dogs and Humans in Two Mexican Border Cities. Tabula Rasa, 40, 123-149.

Rigoberto Reyes Sánchez

    Iván Sandoval-Cervantes

      Dogs have an important role in Mexican cities streets, especially in peripheral or frontier settings. This article explores these dog presences in two cities battered by violence, along with the relations those animals build among each other, with humans and with their environment, drawing from the assumption that dogs are active beings that build alliances, territories, landscapes, and affective bonds. This is a four-hand writing here
      we enter into dialogue with the discoveries and findings of two research works conducted under the multispecies ethnography approach at two Mexican urban settings. On the one hand, there was Tecámac, southern Mexico Valley Metropolitan Area, and in Ciudad Juárez, on the northern frontier of the state of Chihuahua. We think those two setting fill the conditions for an interesting comparison, since they represent highly populated urban centers, but they continue to appear as frontiers between rural and urban landscapes. Also, both places have a shared feature of important waves of violence that have shaped the daily lives of their human and non-human inhabitants.

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