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Social loneliness, emotional balance, and dispositional optimism in elderly people living or not in institutions in the city of Bogotá.

Soledad social, equilibrio emocional y optimismo disposicional en personas mayores institucionalizadas y no institucionalizadas de Bogotá.


How to Cite
Amaya Cocunubo, I. F., Gómez Verano, L. H., de Cleves, N. R., Velásquez Burgos, B. M., & Saavedra Guzmán, L. R. (2021). Social loneliness, emotional balance, and dispositional optimism in elderly people living or not in institutions in the city of Bogotá. Tabula Rasa, 39, 303-320.

Iván Fernando Amaya Cocunubo

    Nahyr Remolina de Cleves

      Bertha Marlene Velásquez Burgos

        Iván Fernando Amaya Cocunubo,

        Magister en Desarrollo sostenible y Medio ambiente.

        Luz Helena Gómez Verano,

        Magíster en Dependencia e igualdad en la autonomía personal de la Universidad de Jaén.

        Nahyr Remolina de Cleves,

        Magister en Educación y evaluación de la Universidad Santo Tomás

        Bertha Marlene Velásquez Burgos,

        Magíster en Pedagogía Universidad de La Sabana.

        Lola Rosalía Saavedra Guzmán,

        Ph.D. en Relaciones internacionales y política exterior de la Universidad Estatal de Kiev.

        This article aims to identify the level of social loneliness and its relation to affective balance and dispositional optimism within a group of elderly people institutionalized and non-institutionalized in the city of Bogotá, during the lockdown in 2020. To do this, a quantitative-descriptive, co-relational design was applied to 242 elderly people: institutionalized (97) and non-institutionalized (145), within a range of 60 to 99 years of age from different districts and socioeconomic strata in Bogotá. Participants were selected through a non-probability sampling. The analysis was conducted through a demographic study consisting of four items and scales East II, to assess their degree of social loneliness; Spane, to measure the level of affective balance; and Lot-R, to gauge their degree of dispositional optimism. The corresponding tests in each scale were processed through a multivariate, descriptive, multiple correspondence analysis. Specifically, the Chi-square test was applied, and in the end, Cronbach’s Alpha was estimated. Findings showed that institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly people in the study show a medium to low level of social loneliness, and a high level of both affective balance and dispositional optimism. On the other hand, it showed that affective balance and dispositional optimism are directly related to the level of social loneliness.

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