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Climate Change: Negationism, Skepticism, and Misinformation

El cambio climático: negacionismo, escepticismo y desinformación


How to Cite
Abellán López, M. Ángeles. (2021). Climate Change: Negationism, Skepticism, and Misinformation. Tabula Rasa, 37, 283-301.

María Ángeles Abellán López

    This article aims to examine the main directions at odds on climate change. In order to do that, a theoretical approach is presented of the narratives and substantial repertories supporting the fundamentals of denial along with the conceptual differences among climate deniers, skeptics, and contrarians. Those repertories are a denial of scientific evidence, economic denial, and political denial. To end up, we refer to misguided deleterious information as a deliberate organized strategy. As a main conclusion, we address the emerging programs of climate literacy as a tool to neutralize misinformation and fake news.

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