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The World-System Beyond 1492: Modernity, Christianity, and Coloniality: An Approach to the Decolonial Historiographic Turn

El sistema-mundo más allá de 1492: modernidad, cristiandad y colonialidad: aproximación al giro historiográfico decolonial


How to Cite
Romero Losacco, J. (2020). The World-System Beyond 1492: Modernity, Christianity, and Coloniality: An Approach to the Decolonial Historiographic Turn. Tabula Rasa, 36, 355-376.

José Romero Losacco

    José Romero Losacco,

    Ph.D Ciencias Estratégicas para el Desarrollo, Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela.

    “The world-system beyond 1492: Modernity, christianity, and coloniality” proposes to value the shortcomings of decolonial historiography stemming from the legacy received by the research program developed by I. Wallerstein. It intends to address open issues emerging from the mapping focused in the Northwestern section of the Mediterranean See. This approach to the Decolonial Historiographic Turn, I will assess how the world- systems analysis is addressed in Walter Mignolo, Enrique Dussel, and Ramón Grosfoguel’s works, in order tho show how the challenges, omissions, and/or attempts to solve the debates on the world-system notion have derived in questions that leave the former decolonial turn overcome by Euro-centrism.

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