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Receiving the Armadillo’s Song: Oneiric Knowledge Transmission Between an Armadillo and a Wise Woman in Sokorpa, Yukpa Territory in Northern Colombia

Recibiendo el canto del armadillo: transmisión onírica de saberes entre un armadillo y una mujer sabia en Sokorpa, territorio yukpa al norte de Colombia


How to Cite
Goletz, A. (2020). Receiving the Armadillo’s Song: Oneiric Knowledge Transmission Between an Armadillo and a Wise Woman in Sokorpa, Yukpa Territory in Northern Colombia. Tabula Rasa, 36, 267-292.


Anne Goletz,

Estudiante doctoral e investigadora asociada del Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural.

This paper examines the oneiric knowledge transmission/reception between the armadillo Kamashrhush and the wise woman Diocelina as a specific and highly individual human- animal relationship. In the context of an Anthropology of Dreaming dominated by the notion of soul-travels, this paper discusses the passive and embodied manner of Sokorpa dream experiences shaped by the visit from the other-than-human realm into the dreamer’s everyday life. Furthermore, it highlights the cooperative nature of the relationship between Diocelina and Kamashrhush against the backdrop of armadillo- human practices based on (respectful) hunting and avoidance. It proposes ontological similarization as a means for social interactions with other-than-human beings that go without transformation and ontological boundary crossing, elements considered as the core components of interspecies communication in Amazonian anthropological theories.

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