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Counter-geographies : reproducing rural life at the time of neoliberal conservation.

Contra-geografías : reproducción de la vida rural en tiempos de la conservación neoliberal.


How to Cite
Albalat-Botana, A., Guadarrama-Zugasti, C., Trujillo-Ortega, L. E., & Ramírez-Miranda, C. A. (2020). Counter-geographies : reproducing rural life at the time of neoliberal conservation. Tabula Rasa, 35, 253-273.

Amparo Albalat-Botana
    Carlos Guadarrama-Zugasti
      Laura Elena Trujillo-Ortega
        César Adrián Ramírez-Miranda

          Amparo Albalat-Botana,

          Doctorante en Ciencias en Desarrollo Rural Regional de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo.

          Carlos Guadarrama-Zugasti,

          Ph.D Estudios Ambientales, University of California, Santa Cruz.

          Laura Elena Trujillo-Ortega,

          Ph.D Estudios Ambientales, University of California, Santa Cruz.

          César Adrián Ramírez-Miranda,

          Doctor en Economía por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

          This article examines how rural life spaces are produced and reproduced at the space-time of development, as revealed in counter-geographies. The context framework is the times of neoliberal conservation as a representation of space cross-sectionally marked by socioenvironmental inequality. On the basis of Lefebvre’s spatial triad (conceived, perceived, and lived space), the notions of (social) rural reproduction and land as a place are developed. Besides, the notion of rural counter-geography is posed as a research problem and social fact, as a relational-collective time-space, a place where humans and non-humans, living and dead, participate; it is a rural time-space mediated by emotions, affections, and daily rituals, a space of representation and spatial practice reproduced simultaneously against the grain of neoliberal conservationism.

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