Presentation : projections of the anthropology of biopolitics.
Presentación : proyecciones de la antropología de la biopolítica.
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The possibility of thinking about and from an anthropology of biopolitics began to form within the framework of different meetings and debate spaces held since the Mercosur Anthropology Meeting in 2015 with the panel "Ethnization, (post) coloniality and biopolitics: genealogical approaches and ethnographic ", followed by the II International Congress of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America (2016), the III and IV Congress of postcolonial Studies (2016-2018), with the work table" Coloniality, State and governmentality ", of the V Latin American Congress of Anthropology (2017), with the symposium "Anthropology of Biopolitics" and the XII Mercosur Anthropology Meeting (2017), with the working group "Anthropology of governmentality". In all these spaces for reflection, approaches, perspectives and methodologies that recognize Michel Foucault's theoretical formulations as a fertile analytical and methodological matrix for addressing social problems converged.
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