Review. Makuna ethnography. Traditions, stories, and knowledge of the Water People
Reseña. Etnografía makuna. Tradiciones, relatos, y saberes de la Gente de Agua
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«Despite the fact that its structure and theme make it seem so, this book is not a simple monograph on the Makuna, indigenous people of the Colombian Vaupés jungles. Makuna Ethnography is the result of an experimental methodological proposal, as well as a peculiar construction of text that includes the conversations and interactions of nine indigenous interlocutors with three anthropologists, at different times and contexts between 1999 and 2003 ».
The previous quote from this book Makuna Ethnography, jointly edited by the Colombian Institute of Anthropology –Icanh- and the University of Gothenburg, summarizes one of the values of this monograph, since, as it indicates, it develops both the interpretation of anthropologists and the knowledge and opinions of the indigenous Makuna people who authoritatively participated in the elucidation of their culture, their cosmogony, their daily skills and their experiences of survival in a world also now immersed in wars that are not theirs.
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