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Review. Family, gender and anthropology. Challenges and transformations

Reseña. Familia, género y antropología. Desafíos y transformaciones


How to Cite
Sánchez Moncada, M. (2004). Review. Family, gender and anthropology. Challenges and transformations. Tabula Rasa, 2, 323-326.

Marlene Sánchez Moncada

    This work is a tribute to the memory of Virginia Gutiérrez de Pineda, and contains part of the most recent academic production on the subject of the family from different fields, as well as current theoretical discussions about the category of gender and feminisms; It also offers us a serious reflection on anthropological discipline. It has beautiful photographic illustrations from which you can read women, men, boys and girls in different contexts and in other times.

    It is made up of three sections: Challenges and transformations, Violence and power, and Families in transition, arising from the discussions presented in the framework of the IX National Congress of Anthropology in Colombia, held in Popayán in July 2000

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