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Evil, Freedom, and Progress in G. W. Leibniz’ Theory of Damnation

Mal, libertad y progreso en la teoría de la condenación de G.W. Leibniz


How to Cite
Rodríguez Beltrán, R. (2004). Evil, Freedom, and Progress in G. W. Leibniz’ Theory of Damnation. Tabula Rasa, 2, 283-299.

Ramiro Rodríguez Beltrán

    This article seeks to explain that the condemned are not doomed, that they are always subjectto be doomed, but that they can always be liberated, too. Reference will be made to the Evil,the creation of which God has been accused of. The theory of condemnation will be presented,as related to human freedom, in order to specify the motives of the condemned to becomedoomed. Judas’ guilt was not precipitated by an event in the past, but requires the realizationof the act in the present. It is argued in this way that the condemned, on their death, leavebehind a large amount of progress in the world, which will be used in compensation for thegood of others.

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