Building counterpowers to the new geoeconomic wars: Paths towards a globalization of resistance
Construyendo contrapoderes a las nuevas guerras geo-económicas: Caminos hacia una globalización de la resistencia
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We are at a crucial historical moment for the redefinition of political, economic and social relations, characterized by increasing polarizations and the establishment of a single superpower with changing allies. Within this scenario, war as a tool and intervention to open new fields to specific economic interests has acquired an important role. I will argue in this article that there is a qualitative shift in contemporary wars toward new "geo-economic wars" that frequently involve extra-state actors. As these phenomena have acquired a global dimension, they can no longer be solved solely at the regional or national level. Faced with these political and economic processes of aggressive globalization, there is a need to also create the globalization of resistance, solidarity, justice, and peace.
I will contextualize this debate with the examples of 1) the mobilizations that took place in Great Britain against the most recent war in Iraq, and 2) the forms of resistance of black communities in the Colombian Pacific region against the war that It has been unleashed in recent years in this region. I therefore propose to examine two examples of localized resistance that are simultaneously inscribed in a global movement against the new geo-economic wars.
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