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Between Consensus and Hegemony. Notes on the Hegemonic Way of Modern Politics

Entre consenso y hegemonía: Notas sobre la forma hegemónica de la política moderna


How to Cite
Grossberg, L. (2004). Between Consensus and Hegemony. Notes on the Hegemonic Way of Modern Politics. Tabula Rasa, 2, 49-57.

Lawrence Grossberg

    Most interpreters of modernity have argued that modern politics is ideological and consen-sual. However, modern politics is not always a struggle for ideological consensus, but that itinvolves a struggle for «hegemony». This article describes the three main differences betweenstruggles for ideological consensus and hegemonic struggles. In addition, this article dealswith the question of how a particular hegemony is established, maintained or challenged.

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