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History and the Text. Seven Critical Comments Concerning the ‘Linguistic Turn’ according to Josep Fontana in La historia de los hombres

La historia y el texto: siete comentarios críticos a propósito del «giro lingüístico» según Josep Fontana en La historia de los hombres


How to Cite
Rivera, F. (2005). History and the Text. Seven Critical Comments Concerning the ‘Linguistic Turn’ according to Josep Fontana in La historia de los hombres. Tabula Rasa, 3, 151-175.

Fernando Rivera

    This article includes a critical revision of the text «La Historia de los Hombres» (The Historyof Men) by Josep Fontana. The author acknowledges that even though the text—stimulatingbecause so provoking—would merit a more attentive response, this essay will only commenton some affirmations made by Fontana starting in chapter 13, «El Giro Cultural» (TheCultural Turn). This decision is made because the laxity of some of his paraphrasingcompromises the legitimacy and even the utility of categories and methodologies originatingfrom the text-discourse analysis, the «representation» theories and the semiotic approaches.

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