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Review. The erotic dream in the Spanish poetry of the golden centuries

Reseña. El sueño erótico en la poesía española de los siglos de oro


How to Cite
Quevedo Alvarado, M. P. (2006). Review. The erotic dream in the Spanish poetry of the golden centuries. Tabula Rasa, 5, 365-367.

María Piedad Quevedo Alvarado

    The Mexican Antonio Alatorre makes a meticulous study of the theme of the erotic dream in the Spanish poetry of the golden centuries, dwelling on the variations of the theme, the peculiarities of some authors, the intertextual links, and the returns and additions that on images and Greco-Latin schemes make the golden poets. Indeed, the work of Alatorre –translator, literary critic and professor since 1952 of the Colegio de México–, inserts poetic compositions that have as theme the erotic dream in a classical tradition, either by reference to mythological episodes, or by imitatio that the poets of the golden century made of Latin and Italian authors like Ovid or Petrarch.

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