Review. Subjectivity, citizenship and emancipation. About the ninth chapter of the book From the hand of Alice. The social and political in the postmodernity...
Reseña. Subjetividad, cuidadanía y emancipación. Sobre el capítulo noveno del libro De la mano de Alicia. Lo social y lo político en la postmodernidad
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1. The hegemonic cultural ideological constellation points to the reaffirmation of subjectivity to the detriment of citizenship and to the unequal reaffirmation of both to the detriment of emancipation.
2. The project of modernity is characterized by a balance between regulation and emancipation, converted into the two pillars on which the radical transformation of premodern society is sustained. The pillar of regulation is made up of three principles: state, market and community. The pillar of emancipation is constituted by the articulation between three dimensions (rather a rational cognitive dimension with three rationalities) of the rationalization and secularization of collective life: the practical moral rationality of modern law, the experimental cognitive rationality of science and modern technique and the expressive aesthetic rationality of modern arts and literature (I find it difficult to speak of aesthetic "rationality" because it is another dimension that does not depend on reason but on sensitivity and creative imagination, as well as speaking of "rationality »Moral because it is another dimension that has little to do with reason and much to do with feelings, but in the end they are the claims of the one-dimensional rationalist Cartesian subject with claims of universality, which survives in our days thanks to the power developed from instrumental rationality) .
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