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Review. School power and subjectivation

Reseña. Escuela poder y subjetivación


How to Cite
Martínez P., J. E. (2007). Review. School power and subjectivation. Tabula Rasa, 6, 395-406.

Jorge Eliécer Martínez P.

    This text, although it was made in 1995, is current to understand the relationship between school, Power and Subjectivity. Hence, it is presented to the academic community as a contribution to the understanding of these concepts. The author begins by saying that only a couple of decades ago, in 1870, the Basic Education Act had been presented by W.E. Foster, during the first liberal gladstone administration. Its explicit objective was to expand education for working-class children, "plugging the gaps" in schooling already offered by certain religious communities. At that time, educational institutions were administered by locally elected school boards, which for the first time had the power to raise a percentage of education.

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