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Latinos (as) and the decolonization of the American empire in the 21st century

Latinos(as) y la descolonización del imperio estadounidense en el siglo XXI


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Grosfoguel, R. (2007). Latinos (as) and the decolonization of the American empire in the 21st century. Tabula Rasa, 6, 115-135.

Ramon Grosfoguel

    Despite appearances, the American empire is in rapid decline. There are many anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and anti-patriarchal struggles within this empire, invisible to the peoples who live its dire consequences in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. This article presents the dilemmas confronting the American empire regarding the growth of Latino populations and the struggles for decolonization from within. In a few decades, whites will be a demographic minority in the United States. Racial minorities will be the majorities; Latinos will be the majority of minorities. The empire is torn between new forms of apartheid (neo-apartheid) and the decolonization of white supremacy. Due to their strategic importance, the struggles that lie ahead will be sharp and definitive for the future of all humanity.

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