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Decolonization of knowledge and practice: a dialogical encounter between the research program on Latin American modernity / coloniality / decoloniality and actor-network theory

Descolonización del conocimiento y la práctica: un encuentro dialógico entre el programa de investigación sobre modernidad /colonialidad/decolonialidad latinoamericanas y la teoría actor-red


How to Cite
Yehia, E. (2007). Decolonization of knowledge and practice: a dialogical encounter between the research program on Latin American modernity / coloniality / decoloniality and actor-network theory. Tabula Rasa, 6, 85-114.

Elena Yehia

    This article seeks to establish a conversation between two novel frameworks for the critical analysis of modernity: the actor-network theory and the perspective of Latin American modernity / coloniality / decoloniality. Likewise, the problems that persist in both frameworks are examined from the perspective of a decolonial project, and some ways of approaching these problems are proposed, relocating both frameworks in modernity and displacing some of their epistemological and political implications, especially in terms of refusing to decode subordinate knowledge.

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