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Performative theories of identity and performativity of theories

Teorías performativas de la identidad y performatividad de las teorías


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Briones, C. (2007). Performative theories of identity and performativity of theories. Tabula Rasa, 6, 55-83.

Claudia Briones

    This article intends to review some learnings derived from the performative theories of identity to reflect on the performativity of the theories. Even though it is vital to critically examine the capacity for agency and materiality that scientific discourses carry - discourses par excellence authorized especially when they are placed at the center rather than on the fringes of hegemonic endeavor - one of the questions I seek to place and share is whether the notion of performativity is the best way to do it. Taking constructivism as a quasi-common-sense stance in contemporary social researchers, I am interested in reviewing some of its regulatory fictions — such as that of contrastivity — to point out certain theoretical, political, and ethnographic effects that result from basing analysis on a «cliché performativity ».

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