Rebel consumerism. Notes on aristocratic anarchism
El consumismo rebelde. Notas sobre el anarquismo aristocrático
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In September 2004, the Colombian artist María Isabel Rueda presented her work Lo uno y lo otro at the Museo de Arte Moderno in Bogotá as part of the Salón Nacional de Artistas. They were photographs of people wearing T-shirts with the figure of Che. For four years he collected the portraits while wondering if Che Guevara had become «a logo of our» supposed «Latin American identity» , or if his image was "a brand."
For the artist, Che's image has endured because he is the Latin American version of Jim Morrison or James Dean. That is, young, handsome, rebellious men who fight against the system and die prematurely. «Che's image is one of the most versatile. A cliche symbol of Yankee anti-imperialism, but also marketed in the best American style of the star system, affirmed the artist» .
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