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The social sciences as integration of knowledge in the human dimension

Las ciencias sociales como integración de saberes en la dimensión humana


How to Cite
Molano Barrero, J. (2020). The social sciences as integration of knowledge in the human dimension. Tabula Rasa, 7, 275-303.

Joaquín Molano Barrero

    The institutionality of science is linked to our dependency and our misery. It has its projection in research, teaching, geopolitical control, and the expropriation of our resources. Social sciences are analyzed in relation to other disciplines and knowledge, taking the human dimension as an element of convergence. Reflection suggests ideas for approaching the nature of the human in relation to others and to the other. It invites you to think about personal and collective life from the deep instances of wisdom and spirituality. This intentionality arises due to the difficulties that the social sciences have suffered within the scientific paradigm of modernity. It is not worth continuing to inscribe social knowledge within the framework of the formalization of science. This has demanded very high costs such as the loss of ancestrality, identity and the construction of life and freedom scenarios. Science has closed the horizon of the social, has fragmented knowledge and has projected an emptiness of humanity. The humanities summon science and social sciences to create new realities and imaginary of the social, with a critical attitude and with essential values. The social is essential in education and is part of the commitment of all pedagogical action, consisting of consciously assuming life to create among ourselves an existence with a sense of belonging and humanity. Impossible to grow without a good dose of justice, wisdom, food (love) and self-knowledge.

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