Reading At University Level – A Case Study: Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
La lectura en los universitarios. Un caso específico: Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
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This article is about the results reported on the descriptive and qualitative piece of research on reading skills. The study identifies the skills, attitudes, and reading competence of the students at Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University and suggests an academic program to help the students develop and consolidate strong reading skills. The work is based on the linguistic, textual, and discourse theories that underlie the reading process. They provide the basis to consider developing critical reading skills in the college so that the students can interpret texts, recreate them, and develop the reading competence that will allow them to not only comprehend and infer the meanings from the contexts but also exhibit an inquisitive, critical attitude. The results shows a profile of a university student and recommends the implementation of an institutional academic project that encourages a university policy, faculty engagement in the process and students’ will. This research contributes to increase awareness of the need of a new contemporary reading profile, formed through the new audiovisual technologies, as opposed to the traditional one.
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