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Two Strange Bedfellows – Of Ideology and Power in Althusser and Foucault

Dos extraños compañeros de cama. La ideología y el poder en Althusser y Foucault


How to Cite
Pérez Navarro, P. F. (2007). Two Strange Bedfellows – Of Ideology and Power in Althusser and Foucault. Tabula Rasa, 7, 149-177.

Pablo Francisco Pérez Navarro

    In the contemporary cultural and philosophical context, there is a downright devaluation of the notion of ideology, after the abuse carried out by the popularization of the Marxist theory during the sixties and seventies. This paper considers the importance of maintaining alive a certain notion of ideology as it was developed in the work of Althusser and complemented by Foucault’s theory of power. Ideology regarded in this way is fundamental for a comprehensive understanding of ideas like subject, labor, truth and identity, and the way they operate in a capitalist mode of production.

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