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Revising The Rules Of The Game: A Conversation With Pablo Iglesias Turrion, Jesús Espasandín López and Iñigo Errejón Galván

Revisando las reglas del juego: conversación con Pablo Iglesias Turrion, Jesús Espasadín López e Iñigo Errejón Galván


How to Cite
Mignolo, W. D. (2020). Revising The Rules Of The Game: A Conversation With Pablo Iglesias Turrion, Jesús Espasandín López and Iñigo Errejón Galván. Tabula Rasa, 8, 321-334.

Walter D. Mignolo

    This is a response to a debate raised at the summer seminars, organized by the Complutense University, at El Escorial, in July 2006. I have condensed the answer into two topics, which seem to me to be two axes on which the debate revolved: the question of exteriority and the question of objectivity, without and with parentheses. Mine is an answer that presupposes at the same time that advances the thought and the decolonial option, which was precisely the approach that originated the debate.

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