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Returning the Ball to the Field: Dialogues with Walter Mignolo

Devolviendo el balón a la cancha. Diálogos con Walter Mignolo


How to Cite
Iglesias Turrión, P., Espasandín López, J., & Errejón Galván, I. (2008). Returning the Ball to the Field: Dialogues with Walter Mignolo. Tabula Rasa, 8, 283-319.

Pablo Iglesias Turrión
    Jesús Espasandín López
      Iñigo Errejón Galván

        This article originated with discussions maintained with Walter D. Mignolo during the summer course titled “Decolonial thought and the surge of indigenous peoples as new political subjects in Latin America,” held at El Escorial between the 24th and 28th of July, 2006. Our primary objective is to continue the debate, organizing and systematizing large part of the arguments that opposed Walter’s thesis, to try to present a group of questions and arguments around the notion of epistemic turn. Our second objective is to provide elements that can be used to create a liberating theoretical cartography that allows articulating and relating the fights and processes of collective action of the attacked subaltern subjectivities in different areas of the planet by the dynamics of domination and exploitation of capitalist modernity, as well as overcoming the euro-centric defects of a large part of the emancipating thought traditions of classic anti-systemic movements. In third place, we ask ourselves the question with which professor Heriberto Cairo opened the course: It is possible to decolonize Europe? We will thus inquire about the possibility of a communication interface between the movements in Latin America and Europe, and about the radiation of indigenous political cultures outside of their range of immediate insertion.

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