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Interculturality, Plurinationality and Decoloniality: Political-Epistemic Insurgences to Refound the State

Interculturalidad, plurinacionalidad y decolonialidad: las insurgencias político-epistémicas de refundar el Estado


How to Cite
Walsh, C. (2008). Interculturality, Plurinationality and Decoloniality: Political-Epistemic Insurgences to Refound the State. Tabula Rasa, 09, 131-152.

Catherine Walsh

    Nobody denies that in the current times, South America is living through changes, innovations and historical ruptures. Here we are interested in those innovations and ruptures; the ones that signal and profile new sociopolitical and epistemic formations, constructions and articulations that are the result and part of the action and combat strategies of the ancestral movements, of their political-epistemic insurgency that – without a doubt – is opening a path for the possibility of a new horizon –overturning or changing direction – of decolonial character. Imagining and at the same time constructing a conscience and a practice of the State, society and country in which everyone has a place, a country where the ancestral differences not only contribute, but also are constituent of this imagination and constructions – a proposal by the Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena, cited above – requires this horizon and decolonial overturning. It needs to pass from resistance to new insurgencies – that break, interrupt, insist and emerge. At the heart of the matter are the owners of the colonial power that still survive to – and from there – propose, cultivate and exercise different articulations and constructions that alienate a radical and decolonializing change that pretends to not only terminate the colonial State and the neoliberal model – as Evo Morales states –, but also to create a new homeland among everyone.

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