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Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as an Instrument for the Exercise of Rights

Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) como instrumento de ejercicio de derechos


How to Cite
Fuente Robles, Y. M. de la, & Sotomayor Morales, E. M. (2009). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as an Instrument for the Exercise of Rights. Tabula Rasa, 10.

Yolanda Mª de la Fuente Robles
    Eva Mª Sotomayor Morales

      Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) burst upon the scene to make accessibility and participation easier to all people for the exercise of their own rights. If we circumscribe to the field of people in dependence situations, ICTs put emphasis, not on issues related to the lack of capacity, but in skills and abilities that can be developed. Thus, they work as powerful tools to seek equal access and, as a result, to improve their quality of life. This work aims to reflect on the processes making easier to overcome obstacles and barriers to people in dependence situations. This in order to examine the fundamentals of their incorporation to social life in a context of growth of the technological offer, where not only technology offer willingness toward the egalitarian goals matters, but it is rather necessary to address its incorporation from different intervention parameters.

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