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Bitter sugar. The Inescapable Oximoron of Cuban History

Azúcar amarga: el inevitable oxímoron de la historia cubana


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Maglia Vercesi, G. (2009). Bitter sugar. The Inescapable Oximoron of Cuban History. Tabula Rasa, 10, 327-357.

Graciela Maglia Vercesi

    Nicolás Guillén took an autonomous position in the literary field of Hispanic Caribbean in the 30’s, and built an early national hybrid identity as a cultural and aesthetic response to a historic crossroads marked by ethnic whitening, political alienation and economic dependence. Guillén went to the source of orality, where the strength of popular voice lies and recorded the semi-creole language of Cuban mulatto. The language of his early poetic machina expresses a national identity marked by the popular and a full Caribbean habitus.

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