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Indigeneity: Problematics, experiences and agen- das in the new millenium

Indigeneidad: problemáticas, experiencias y agendas en el nuevo milenio


How to Cite
de la Cadena, M., & Orin Starn, D. y. (2009). Indigeneity: Problematics, experiences and agen- das in the new millenium. Tabula Rasa, 10, 191-223.

Marisol de la Cadena
    Davis y Orin Starn

      In this article we historicized the idea of indigenous and the notion of indigeneity. As a relationship, as a discursive formation, rather than as an identity, indigeneity involves not only indigenous people, but also people identified themselves as non indigenous. Considering the local historical differences ―articulated with nation-states formations― we explain the difference between ethnicity and indigeneity, the blurredness of the boundaries between those who identify themselves as indigenous and who don’t do it, the conditions in which the indigeneity in the contemporary diaspora happened, and the problems of the indigenizing essentialism.

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