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Perceptions of Bogotá in the story of Luis Fayad

Percepciones de Bogotá en la cuentística de Luis Fayad


How to Cite
Figueroa Sánchez, C. R. (2009). Perceptions of Bogotá in the story of Luis Fayad. Tabula Rasa, 11, 289-308.

Cristo Rafael Figueroa Sánchez

    The article deals with Luis Fayad's short story production between The sounds of fire (1968) and A mirror after and other stories (1995) in order to perceive both the variations of Bogotá and the aesthetic mediations through which they are represented literary the urban, political and social conflicts of the Colombian capital between the sixties and the nineties of the twentieth century. The Bogota narrator is located in the interstices of the problems of his city to discover unknown edges of a process that is not always evident in sociological or anthropological studies; In this way, the stories inscribe the transformations of the urban space since it ceases to be a large village until it becomes a massive city, making visible remains of collective memories, existential and social conflicts, marginalization and small life stories, until constituting a framework discourse that allows reading signs and faces of a city in the process of permanent metamorphosis.

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