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Izquierdas e Izquierdas Otras: entre el proyecto de la izquierda eurocéntrica y el proyecto transmoderno de la nuevas izquierdas descoloniales

Izquierdas e Izquierdas Otras: entre el proyecto de la izquierda eurocéntrica y el proyecto transmoderno de la nuevas izquierdas descoloniales


How to Cite
Grosfoguel, R. (2009). Izquierdas e Izquierdas Otras: entre el proyecto de la izquierda eurocéntrica y el proyecto transmoderno de la nuevas izquierdas descoloniales. Tabula Rasa, 11, 9-29.

Ramón Grosfoguel

    In an encounter with Oscar Guardiola Rivera more than a year ago, we were talking about the need for a global dialogue between the European left and the left that is articulated from the coloniality of power, that is, a north-south dialogue within the left. The works included in this special issue of the Tabula Rasa Magazine constitute a first moment of this attempt that in my humble opinion does not yet reflect a dialogue but a position, a score between various positions. Each work establishes its position without necessarily entering into dialogue with the other writings included in this issue. In my personal experience both in Europe and the United States and in Latin America, southern intellectuals dialogue with the work of northern intellectuals, but not vice versa. There are very few intellectuals from the north who truly consider the issue of decolonization of knowledge, overcoming Eurocentrism and opening up to a global inter-epistemic dialogue. The majority of European leftist intellectuals continue to talk to each other and are deaf to decolonial political proposals and projects that assume epistemological perspectives from the Global South.

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