Cultural studies in Latin America: interculturality, affirmative actions and knowledge gathering
Los estudios culturales en América Latina: interculturalidad, acciones afirmativas y encuentro de saberes
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The article offers a proposal for the re-foundation of Cultural Studies in Latin America, taking up the ideology and the critical political position that has been constitutive of that area of studies since its creation in the 1960s in Birmingham. That critical critical position is now updated in the project of a PhD in Cultural Studies at the University of Brasilia, based on three axes: the struggle for quotas for blacks and indigenous people in universities; the overcoming of the dominant dualism between the humanities and the Exact Sciences through theories of complexity; c) the meeting of knowledge. The knowledge meeting project is a theoretical-political process that began this year at the University of Brasilia and that allows the teachers of Latin American traditional knowledge (shamans, countrymen, craftsmen, indigenous architects, artists, musicians, specialists in medicinal plants) now enter as professors to teach regular courses at the university. Cultural Studies as Critical Studies of Culture must provide the theoretical, methodological and political foundation for Latin American universities, which were constituted as white, exclusive, racist and dedicated to reproduce only modern Eurocentric knowledge, finally become what they should have been since its foundation centuries ago: multi-epistemic centers of studies, open to all knowledge created and in force in our continent - Western, indigenous, African-American, and traditional communities.
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