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Language, discipline and progress: Teaching French in The Second University District of La Nueva Granada 1826-1850

Lengua, disciplina y progreso : La enseñanza de francés en El Segundo Distrito Universitario de La Nueva Granada 1826-1850


How to Cite
Camelo, S., & Sánchez, A. (2010). Language, discipline and progress: Teaching French in The Second University District of La Nueva Granada 1826-1850. Tabula Rasa, 12, 97-117.

Sandra Camelo
    Andrea Sánchez

      This research develops the problem of institutionalization or appropriation of the discourse on the teaching of French, since it has not taken into account the power relations that cross the pedagogical practices and determine the relationships of the subjects enrolled in the educational institutions in which they He teaches the French language. Methodologically we will study this problem through Archeology that allows to determine the historical conditions that enable the institutionalization of teaching between 1826 and 1850; and the Genealogy that makes it possible to identify the power relations that characterize this institutionalization process and determine the role of the subjects immersed in the institutions in which French teaching was taught. In this sense, this research addresses the following question: ¿How was the teaching of French institutionalized in Colombia?

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