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On modest witnesses and zero-points of observation: the uncomfortable intersections between science and coloniality

De testigos modestos y puntos cero de observación: las incomodas intersecciones entre la ciencia y la colonialidad


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Vargas-Monroy, L. (2010). On modest witnesses and zero-points of observation: the uncomfortable intersections between science and coloniality. Tabula Rasa, 12, 73-94.

Liliana Vargas-Monroy

    This work aims to problematize the relationship between science and coloniality by following two traditions of contemporary critical thought. Having this goal in mind, some of the central debates in Feminist Studies of Science and postcolonial Latin-American theory are discussed, particularly the proposals that have been developed in the Modernity / Coloniality Program in Latin-America. Besides presenting a dialogue between these two frameworks of thought, some of the implications are discussed, opening directions for thinking further about contemporary forms of production of knowledge.

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