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18th century: the birth of biopolitics

Siglo XVIII: el nacimiento de la biopolítica


How to Cite
Castro-Gómez, S. (2010). 18th century: the birth of biopolitics. Tabula Rasa, 12, 31-45.

Santiago Castro-Gómez

    The article addresses the problem of biopolitics in the 18th century in Spain and its American colonies, taking as a reference the change of dynasty from the Habsburgs to the Bourbons. The hypothesis is that this change of dynasty meant not only a change of government but a change of governmentality. A series of medical, sanitary and demographic measures are implemented that aim to strengthen the life of the population, just at the moment when Spain struggled to recover its geopolitical hegemony in the world-system. The article explores, then, the links between biopolitics and geopolitics.

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